The Food Corner Blog

Foods in India express various culture, traditions and values. It reveals the truth of history.

Yes that’s true. The second most populous country in the world after China and the seventh largest in area. India is unique among nations in its diversity of climates, languages, religions, tribes, customs and cuisines. For thousands of years, the subcontinent was the centre of a vast network of land and the sea trade routes – conduits for plants, ingredients, dishes and cooking techniques to and from the rest of the world. Foreign visitors have log marvel led at India’s agricultural bounty, including its ancient indigenous plants, such as lentils, mangoes turmeric and pepper, all of which have been central to the Indian diet for millennia.

Today, Indian food in its many incarnations has become a world cuisine. This reflects an increased awareness of the virtues of a traditional Indian diet, especially the centrality of fruits, vegetable and grains and the extensive use of species, the benefits of which have been confirmed by modern science.